Wednesday 7 September 2011


I've not been out fishing, had some days with mum and a visit to her Oncologist.
He laid it on the line in a very good way, I have to say I'm very much impressed with this side of the Romford NHS.
Despite her near deafness, my mum, I think, as I do, fully understands the position.
The back pain she has been suffering from over the last few months, is likely to be the spread of cancer to the bones.
They could put her through a bone scan, but if the cancer has spread, it can only be treated by radio therapy, and they agree with my thoughts, that would not serve her well at this time of her life and general health.
So with nothing more they can do, the oncologist has kept her on his list but doesn't need her to visit the hospital unless she wants to.
After some experiences on the pain killers she has been taking in various forms, (paracetamol, fentoyl and percocet )" bright colours and funny shapes" in her eyes,she's now going onto something potentially less of a problem to her eyes, but potentially to her kidneys, but less of a problem for her, iboprofen at the Oncologists off the record approval
The Oncologist has recommended more palliative care, either at home or preferably in a home/hospice.
She doesn't like the idea of the later, but is happier that they are not looked at as places to go to die, but places for care and comfort.
She "celebrated" with a gin and tonic that evening
We shall see, an appointment with specialist nurses is being made through her doctor as I write.
In the meantime, I have some thinking to do on how much time I need to spend with her, not for her benefit but for mine!

My next door neighbour June, after 20 odd weeks in hospital, has an operation  lined up for this Friday.
Jim the wasp dodger, finally saw his oncologist, and has been put on call back in 4 months, so he's happier now.
And Al, has had his new hip fitted, he was out of hospital nearly as fast as he went in, and  looking forward to his regular pub visit.
So all could be well in St Peter's Close.....for the moment!

I'm not in the right frame of mind for fishing and haven't been for sometime, but I have a two day trip booked next week to try my hand at pb improvement...... again.

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