Wednesday 20 October 2010

A view from The Lot

Where we stayed

 For those of you who are happy to accept recommendations, this is an ideal family holiday or fishing location. Just have a look.
We stayed for our week in the apartment Papillon.


Having read Bob Roberts Blog whilst away, (French tele is crap) and with my notebook freezing and losing a long comment on fish fry. I decided that perhaps I should not fill his space with my thoughts but put them on here on my return.
Bob mentions the fry he saw on the Trent, well the River Lot was unbelievable.
I effectively fished a back garden stretch of 40 metres and the margins were full with I would say thousands and thousands of fry. Every cast of my feeder, about a third of the way across,also produced eruptions of small fish, going for the dust off the feeder.
Something that I have never seen in any of the English rivers I've fished.
It occured to me, as it has for a while anway,  that all this fuss we have about cormorant and otter predation of our rivers is just people looking for an excuse.
My view is, our rivers are suffering from something far worse than natural predation, or any natural occurance.
I think we should be looking at the water companies, and their use of our rivers before anything else.
The AnglingTrust should be hitting them, forgot otter, they are not a major problem in the overall scheme of things.
The stretch I fished had barbel, bream, gudgeon and "silver fish" in abundance of all sizes and age classes, yet I had 5 cormorant fishing in the stretch at one time , more kingfishers and heron than I've ever seen on a UK river stretch.There are catfish, zander, perch and pike also in good size and numbers.
My guess is if we had the coypu here, as they have on this river, that they would get the blame too, and I think they are veggies!!!

Wake up fellow anglers some of our rivers are dying, and natural or introduced predators are not to blame!

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