I just didn't think it was worth writing about it it, but as I've just got back from a week away in Dalyan, Turkey I thought, why not!
This was a sort of last minute holiday, not our usual choice of location, we've never been to Turkey though.
Dalyan is set on a river in an environmental protection area. A great place for riverside walking, and for a river trip. Very touristy.
Not certain there a great deal of culture, although there were some interesting tombs, and in excess of 130 restaurants to choose from.
I say,to choose from in respect of restaurants, because there's not a lot really, all menus are about the same, you just need to find one offering a better standard of cooking and freshness.
We tried different restaurants every day for lunch snacks and evening dinners and a couple that were a touch above the rest.
If you want our best finds, should you be visiting, they were the Heybe and Aubergine.
Bloody hot at about 30c in the shade from 9am.
Take an up to date Skin so Soft though, as there are many biting insects, who seemed to like me more than Pauline.
My bottle had a date of 4-10 on the base and was totally ineffective!
Our hotel is known as Club Alla Turka http://www.cluballaturca.com/Eng/hakkimizda.asp?id=h1
It's quite a good hotel,not a bad location and within easy walking distance of the river and the town centre. Food only average though, but I'm a bit snobbish when it comes to food.
Next door
Jim's house is now sold and we have new neighbours from Ely Cambridgeshire, a couple of about our age.
They have been spoken to about this, and are complying with our wishes!
The current view from our front window! |
We've lined up a local financial adviser to deal with that, a meeting sometime next month.
Firstly, I think we've seen the last of the swallow's for this year, none about since Wednesday.
The swifts , now long gone had a very productive year locally, the house martins were scarce.
Hoards of sparra, they have done well this year, probably three broods, they have taken over our rear hawthorn hedge for an overnight roost and are constantly walking and bathing on the ponds water lilies leaves.
Our fruit trees have been bounteous this year, the eaters are in storage, the plums eaten, or made culinary use of. Our cookers and conference pears aren't falling off yet, but we'll need to do something with them soon.
The grapes are ripening well, what to do with them?
The Car
I did think about getting a new car, and probably would have done, but after 167500 miles,an MOT and a full service all for a tad over £200, it didn't take much thinking about. The Octavia stays, after all it's only a tool!
Some of my holdings are now showing a 780% growth, overall as I keep topping up, an average growth of 166% as of yesterday. More holidays!
The other shares, mainly in the cancer research field, are ticking over nicely , with some showing a paper loss.News expected very shortly, with luck.
We're off to Rye for a long weekend to celebrate our 41st wedding anniversary.
Not certain if I've mentioned it, but we're of to Boston for Thanksgiving and Pauline has booked us a trip across Canada for this time next year.
Off to a brewery visit on Monday with the boys from the pub.Bradford here we come!
On Thursday The International Drinking Society has another meeting in London a pub in Russell Square will be our starting point.
I've been a touch busy for any fishing, but will probably have a session or two down in the valley.
Very tempted to visit the rivers but they are low at present, never dodged a challenge though, so we'll see what October brings.