Why not?
A bit of gardening today,alright I had an ulterior motive!
So I dug over and straightened out a raised vegetable bed, added a bit of well rotted horse muck. We get it free up here as long as we take the plastic sack back
Then we set about the salad patch outside the back door.
We also had our forced rhubarb as a crumble,plenty of custard....nice!!
Anyway, the ulterior motive...worms and plenty of them, so at 4pm I set of down into the valley.
Much the same kit, but instead of liquidised bread I found in the freezer a bait tin full of method mix.
The result of about 3 hours fishing was another tester of the rod, this time the carp were the main fish, probably something to do with the method mix, although tonight was a good deal warmer than last night.
I started off with rudd and roach as usual, but the carp soon moved in, mostly around the 5lb mark although one was a touch over 8
1/2lb, the rod handled that well, but later on, in fact as it turned out( because I couldn't be bothered to re- tackle up) my last cast got me into a bigger fish, a nice mirror that I got to the net,and which I tried to bully, but it was having none of it, kiteing to my right and down the lake, snapping my 3.4 line, with ease.
My fault being lazy, didn't even get out of my chair to at least face the way of the run!!
a bigger roach? |
So off home ,probably an hour earlier than I needed to, but caught a glimps of one hare and a buzzard hunting along the hedgerow.
Talking of hunting, on arriving home I spotted the neighbours cat loitering in Jim's garden, and then I noticed why.
A tiny young rabbit scooted across the lawn and asked to be let in the front door!
I tried to catch it, but it was far faster than me, hopefully the cat gave up the chase and the ill aimed half brick scared him off!
Close Season
As may have been guessed, I have no real firm thoughts about the Close Season, but I am on record for at least the last five years by saying it won't change
"Not in my life time".
I am still of that same view, but I see the bash Steve Pope boys are out again, because he had the temerity, when asked, to give a personal view on the matter!
He thinks it's worth looking at a date adjustment at the most.
Close season discussion on Angling Trust site
These old boys, some of whom aided the set up at least two other barbel groups which have failed, because they didn't put the work in, and expected others to!
The BS has people prepared to do the work without tantrums, if their personal ideas are not approved.
Ray Walton is a classic example of all shout, and no do. Ray Wood is a classic example of ......no do!
When will these old boys also get it into their thick heads that things change from the 15 years or so, when they were last members of the Barbel Society.
All sour grapes I'm afraid, and all because what they wanted as individuals wasn't for the benefit of the whole.
If there was a "benevolent dictatorship", then that is what was needed to keep the ship off and running and afloat, there certainly wasn't one there from my years of experience on the committee.
Not Steve anyway!
But, there is a sulker with some clout within, maybe that's another story to be told .......perhaps!
All sour grapes I'm afraid.
My view is, that there will never be a consensus to change the Close Season, not whilst anglers in the main can't be bothered, we are generally apathetic.
Having said that about
"Not in my.....etc etc", I would certainly fight for the rivers to continue to be closed for the current period, if push came to shove.